Monday, September 10, 2007

How Liberal is too Liberal

If you are conservative exactly how many bills and/or amendments do you expect your Senator to argue in support of from a liberal viewpoint ? My answer is none. Now I know there are those who will claim that there are 3 lanes in every road, Conservative, Liberal and Middle of the Road. What Middle of the Road means is that a liberal has moved toward the conservative viewpoint and a conservative has moved to the liberal viewpoint.

When we negotiate for what portion of our conservative views are included in a bill, we work to get all of the conservative positions fully represented and fully enacted. It will be true that sometimes, we will not always get everything we want and because of that we can say a bill is middle of the road or a compromise between our conservative values and the values of our liberal counterparts.

The dramatic difference is when we totally abandon the conservative viewpoint and if we begin to debate for the liberal position. We argue against the conservative values. We work against the Senators making a conservative stand. In taking the position of advocate for the liberal position we are now not conservative nor are we meeting in the middle of the road with a compromise of positions to be included but we are working to the cause and advancement of the liberal policy.
Here in lies the problem with Lindsey Graham's representation of South Carolina.

He is a conservative part time. He argues from a conservative viewpoint and he attempts to accomplish conservative policy.... sometimes. But he is also a liberal.. part time. He argues from the viewpoint of a liberal and applies as much energy in accomplishing the liberal positions and policies as he ever does for the conservative. He works against our values. This is why he moves to name calling and making petty threats about the state not receiving the next Post Office they desire etc..

In this duplicity of personality, this dual representation he causes the conservative values to suffer more than he causes our values to prosper.

Lindsey plays the political game; he professes one position and argues against it in Congress. It is like the argument for Amnesty of 30 million illegal aliens where he came out to a news conference and adamantly declared "This is Not Amnesty !" only to have to recant those shallow and false words later when he himself admitted the policies he proposed were in fact Amnesty.

Lindsey knows that most South Carolinians are busy with their lives and do not take the time to watch or guard the policies of our Senators. We shouldn't have to. We should be able to depend on their political integrity and trust them to represent us as they promised and with the values they professed to hold.

Lindsey prides himself on being rated a 90% conservative and when we examine his record we find that he voted with the liberal party and argued from a liberal perspective 13% of the time during the last 2 Congressional sessions. He is as liberal in those times as is the well known liberal Senator from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy. Lindsey votes in agreement with Ted Kennedy when he is voting from his liberal personality. In fact as you review his record, you will find times where even Ted Kennedy voted for conservative values when it came to security and citizen protections. Kennedy voted with the Republican party in some critical areas where you would expect a Conservative Senator to be champion of the cause but Lindsey was found voting against the Republican party, against conservative values and more liberal in his stand than Kennedy.

One prime example of this was when the bill came before Congress which would have increased cargo container inspections at the point of origin and would have required 100% inspection for nuclear materials to prevent a terrorist group from using our shipping cargo containers for the purpose of shipping in a dirty bomb or the radioactive material to be used in a dirty bomb. We all know this is an area of risk and the 9/11 commission even called on us to tighten this area of vulnerability. The republicans in majority voted for this protection, the democrats in majority voted for this protection but Lindsey voted against it.

Similarly when the opportunity to protect American citizens from being sued when they in good faith reported suspicious activities. Ted Kennedy voted with the majority of Republicans and Democrats to offer this protection to the American citizen but Lindsey voted against.

Hypocrisy ? Liberal ? You Decide... When Congress voted to express the concern and the resolution that the new Iraq government Not grant Amnesty to any terrorist who had fought against, wounded or killed an American soldier and that the President issue this concern to the President of Iraq, the majority of Republicans voted Yes, the majority of Democrats voted Yes. And even our liberal Senator from Massachusetts voted Yes but Lindsey Graham representing South Carolina, the Senator who wants you to believe he fully supports our troops, he voted NO !

We can go on with further examples but if you visit the campaign website and select the link to view Lindsey's Liberal positions, you will be taken to a page dedicated to catalog many of Lindsey's liberal positions.

How liberal is too liberal ? Now that we know Lindsey will tell us one thing and do another. Now that we have seen him push for the amnesty of 30 million illegal aliens, not once but three times. Now that he has said he will introduce and get the bill passed in piece meal fashion. How liberal is too liberal ?

Lindsey is too liberal. He has served one term and now it is time for him to go home.

We want, we expect and we demand consistent conservative representation from our Senator.

We are not bigots and we will not shut-up so Lindsey can pass his liberal agenda despite our objections. We will not give Lindsey another term to betray us further.

1 comment:

admin36 said...

Here's a blog article I regarding your challenge for the U.S. Senate seat. Thought you or others might want to check it out.

Republican Challenger Has Strong Words for U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham

God Bless you and yours!